About Olamide Orekunrin also known as the female flying doctor.

Dr Ola Orekunrin

Dr. Ola Orekunrin is a medical doctor, helicopter pilot and the healthcare entrepreneur founder of Flying Doctors Nigeria, West Africa’s first Air Ambulance Service.

She's dedicated to bringing trauma care to the most remote parts of Western Africa and her company, an air ambulance service based in Lagos, is doing just that. She was motivated to start the company after her younger sister tragically died of anaemia whilst traveling in Nigeria as a consequence of their being no medical air service available to transport her to hospital. Ola graduated as a medical doctor from the University Of York in the UK and is a member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine.

Ola currently resides in Lagos, Nigeria where she is considered a national expert of disaster medicine and pre-hospital care. Her company has been featured on various local TV and radio stations as well as the BBC, CNN and TEDx.


Ola Orekunrin’s startup story is truly remarkable. She was originally born in London and grew up in a foster home with her sister in the small seaside town of Lowestoft in the south-east of England. With a passion for medicine, she studied at the University of York in the UK, graduating at the incredibly young age of 21 as a qualified doctor.

Her meteoric rise in the field of medical studies took her to Japan as a result of her being awarded the MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship. There, she conducted clinic research in the field of regenerative medicine at the Jikei University Hospital. However, the catalyst for a major life and career decision came when her sister became very, very ill on holiday whilst staying with relatives in Nigeria. The local hospital was unable to manage her sickle cell anemia condition, and as a result, Ola and her family started to search for an air ambulance so that she could be safely transported to a suitable medical facility in the country.

The tragedy for the family was that there were no air ambulances to be found, even though the search took them from Nigeria, to Ghana, Sierra Leone and Cameroon, and across West Africa. The only one to be found was in South Africa, 5 hours away, but by the time the logistics had been arranged, Ola’s sister had died of her condition....
This however did not hinder her. she made a decision, that she'll do what it takes to establish an air ambulance in Nigeria, so more people would not have to suffer the same fate her sister did. So through her studies of Entrepreneurship, she took the bold step of establishing the Nigerian air ambulance. Starting up with her savings and some help from private investors.
Dr. Olamide Orekunrin is an African icon worldwide, owning her own company worth over 7 million dollars.

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Storyteller Nigeria : Let's go viral: STORY OF ACHIEVERS: OLA OREKUNRIN @NaijaFlyingDr
About Olamide Orekunrin also known as the female flying doctor.
Storyteller Nigeria : Let's go viral
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