Note: the content of this story is totally fictional, names, events were created out of writers mind.
Genesis 1:31
…….. And God saw everything HE had made, and behold it was very good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

 LAGOS, 2028
      I had just left Element laboratories at Ikeja and headed back home, it had been a largely uneventful day, frustrated for the past month, I have been trying to improve on Bohr’s model of an atom, I needed a result. I have just been awarded the first African nobel price for invention; I invented a ‘Bombardment Energy Pattern’; with the world out of the oil and gas craze, it was an ingenious creation, especially with the short fall of oil reserves, the world needed a new source of energy, and I brought an answer, “Particle Bombardment at the speed of light, 3.8x 108 m/s in a closed container did the trick. It has been responsible for lighting the city of Lagos for the better part of two months. My name is Seun Chidi Ibrahim’ and I am a physicist. .
      I stepped into my apartment, shut the door slowly, I was fatigued, I needed rest, so I switched off my cell phone and threw it on the cushion at my path, when I heard a loud bang!, startled, I tip toed towards the source of the noise and towards the kitchen, at the door I saw a light, a blinding light, bright as the sun;  

      My retina was still adjusting to the stinging ray, when I heard my name, it was called by a hoarse voice, ‘Seun!’, I became calm in amazement as I muttered out a reply “wh.. who are you?”. Then a majestic figure walked out the blinding light with a sheathed sword, starring fiercely through me he said, “I am Michael”, his wings sprouted out simultaneously from behind him. I was stuck, rooted to the spot I stood, hands akimbo, mouth gaping speechlessly as my eyes searched for answers in this being afore me.

“I need your help” he added, “I came on earth to find God”

As he spoke out the last part, my bewildered stance transformed to uneasiness.

“Is this a trick? What’s going on?”

"since the fall of man, God has being distant, from your kind, from my kind, but for two thousand years, we haven’t seen God, and without Him, there is no heaven, there is no belief, right now, up there is but a sanctuary” he gestured with his fingers towards the sky.
 “I don’t understand, so.. so why is the world not yet plunged in chaos?” I asked wide eyed.

“The arch angels has protected the firmament for two thousand years, we have gone about our duties with belief He would return” he answered
“Two thousand years?” I muttered
“A thousand years is like a day unto his sight” he replied calmly The room became silent for 2 minutes “How has the world fared without Him?, i mean without God?” I asked again
  “when He created the world, He made everything good, he created man for companionship, but after the fall, He cast man unto the world, a new world, but He made everything in the right balance, for the sustenance of man’s own world, He made the good and bad, to everything He made , HE created the exact opposite, there is just the right balance in this world, the positive-negative, man-woman, good-bad, everything and wherever these two forces met, God is there, this is where I need you, you have successfully excavated the energies and used it, you made a balance off it, you’re the one, the physicist I need to find God” I held my breath,
 “….and Seun, we don’t have time, news will soon get to the fallen, and if the word arrives today, today would be Armageddon” he added ….
I had held my breath for about 40 seconds by now……….. I fainted .
“How long have I being asleep?” I asked caressing my forehead.

“Two days” Michael replied

 “Is that in God’s time or my time” I asked rather sarcastically

“Eat, for today the other arch angels visits your world’ he spoke with authority.

 “What’s going on? Where would they stay?”

“Word got out, the fallen knows……… its Armageddon, we need God” he said quickly.
 I was still looking bemused when I asked “what are we to do right now?”

“We are going to create enough balance between energies, with the model you used for creating Lagos state power generation, but something bigger, this war is going to last about a hundred years, and we need God, you need to start right away,
 …………………………………………………………. You are going to create God”
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